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One Simple Food Resolution


keeping it simple

Co-operators, we are living through several difficult circumstances that converged over the past year. We are hopeful 2021 will end on a more peaceful note. We will continue working toward a more sustainable and just food system and a healthier community, because that is the co-op’s purpose and our timeless mission! In the meantime, we should probably admit we are all pretty tired. So, in lieu of an ambitious list of health resolutions to tackle this year we suggest only this:


eat more whole foods

To some, a first step will just be to add veggies when they order a pizza! To grab a piece of fruit for breakfast instead of hitting the drive through. To others, it means blending organic fruit smoothies from scratch instead of relying on pre-packaged, or researching new recipes to use those last few veggies you’ve never tried from the Produce aisle.


No matter where you are in the process, switching to more whole foods is a resolution that will ensure better health for both you and our planet.


Whole and minimally processed foods contain all of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes your body needs - and in perfect proportions. A minimally processed, whole foods diet is proven to lower your chances of suffering from heart disease, cancer or Type II Diabetes.


Processed foods and the processed ingredients used to make them are often trucked thousands of miles and flown all over the world. You have a huge variety of local whole foods right at your fingertips, and they have a MUCH smaller carbon footprint! They are also less likely to be packaged in a bunch of extra plastic.


Happy New Year, Co-operators. We wish you the best of health in 2021 and beyond!

Please do not hesitate to reach out for help with ANY food or natural health question - our amazing staff has many years of combined experience and can offer you a wealth of resources. We are here for you!


Blueberries Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.