New Lower Prices!
This fall your management team at Basics began a process of lowering margins across select grocery categories storewide. These batches of price changes are on track to be completed by the end of the year!
Our goal is to increase positive price perceptions and drive more volume sales on key products that most households buy. While many of our specialty foods are already priced as competitively as the market allows, we have a bit more “wiggle room” on some of the larger national brands.
Over the long term, when we sell more product, our distributors offer us better pricing and we can keep prices lower. If we sell less product, our costs go up and then the price to you goes up. We seek to keep our fixed costs as low as possible while offering fair and competitive wages and benefits to staff.
We hope these lower prices make your life easier by making it possible to get more of your groceries in one place!
We know this year has been hard on grocery budgets and the pandemic has made it harder to shop at multiple stores. We are more committed than ever to ensure you maintain access to all of the real, less processed, natural whole foods and supplements you need to stay healthy.