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A Message From Our President


Owner’s Commitment

In creating Basics Co-op, we created a community that cares deeply about the quality of our food, health, relationships, and the world we live in. As Owners of our co-op, we are responsible for its existence. If we support it, it lives on.

This past year our staff has faced the challenge Covid 19 has brought us. Due to their work, we can now order online and over the phone, at no extra charge, with free curbside pick-up or delivery. We can also shop as safely as possible, with staff and shoppers alike wearing masks, and hand sanitizer and wipes being available.

Last April, our sales were great, as people stocked up to hunker down, in response to the pandemic facing us. Since then, sales have been down six to eight percent over the corresponding month the previous year. The store hours have been cut, as people are not going to work in the morning and are not out as late in the day. Staffing has been reduced and yet still they maintain the quality and service we are used to.

As Basics Owners, we are the base of support. In spending our dollars at Basics, we are assuring that our community that cares, our little store that does more, will survive. We have seen many small businesses disappear, as bigger and cheaper alternatives present themselves. In the face of the sequestration required by the virus, we are seeing even more go by the wayside.

As President of our co-op, I would ask for your continued and growing support. Help us get back to pre-pandemic levels, as fast as we can. Help us remain the vital resource we are for our community.

I look forward to the days when handshakes and hugs are safe, when the closeness of our community is felt once again. Until then be safe, be healthy and we will be together again on the other side of this to share in the wonderful community we have created.


Jim Hutchinson

Basics Board President
