Everyone welcome!

The Scoop Newsletter

September 2021


your monthly Basics Co-op news


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Take a Book, Leave a Book! Stop by the free book shelves in the front lounge for free self-help, fiction, romance and more.


New Co-op Owners


  • Connie Bier

  • Ashley Boggs

  • Vicki Bull

  • Thomas Coehoorn

  • Sarah Harvey

  • Lyttle Josephine

  • Joellyn Merz

  • Dale Mitchell

  • Zena Molnar

  • Heather Moritz

  • Jessica Mundt

  • Erin Paschal

  • Tanya Pawlowski

  • Diane Scruggs

  • Angela Shoultz

  • Trace Torsini

  • Prudhvi Varma

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Staff Anniversary

Thank you for your dedication to the co-op!

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The new cafe menu includes kids meals! (Or meals for anyone who likes chocolate milk and grilled cheese and stuff…we don’t judge)




Braille Menus Coming Soon

A person reading braille.

A person reading braille.

We recently learned braille menus are a simple and affordable way to make our cafe more accessible. Ours are on order from Audio & Braille Literacy Enhancement (ABLE) in Milwaukee.

Do you have accessibility recommendations for Basics? Email us! We will share your suggestions with the team. Everyone is welcome at the co-op, and we are always looking for ways to improve access.


featured co-op owner


local vendor highlight


staff pick


brand spotlight

new & returning


Ready to browse??

Click the green “new” button to see this month’s new items in the Co+op Cart online store. To return to the newsletter, use your browser’s back button.



Labor Day Hours Monday 9/6 9am-5pm


September Round Up Recipient


Co-op Owner Request: Possible Support Group?

Diane, a Basics Co-op Owner, wonders if other women with hair loss, propecia, dermatitis, or scalp psoriasis would be interested in meeting at Basics to discuss natural remedies. If interested, contact Diane at (608)554-3332.



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