Everyone welcome!

The Scoop Newsletter

October 2021


your monthly Basics Co-op news


2020 The Italian Cheese Box 2_edited.jpg

We’re stocking up on ingredients for WI Cheese Gift Boxes this month! Watch for NEW boxes coming soon.


New Co-op Owners


  • Aaliyah Bolden

  • Kelly Boomgarden

  • Tim Breitbach

  • Vickie Buhrow

  • John Coia

  • Debra Colombrita

  • Pam Fenton

  • Emily Hay

  • Katie Hoverson

  • Eileen Kinter

  • Jennie Krajeck

  • Lisa Meyer

  • Yvonne Mick

  • Rose Otis

  • Bruce Penny

  • Gail Schwartz

  • Lauren Smith

  • Vickie Wanek


Staff Anniversaries

Thank you for your dedication to the co-op.


PSL SEASON IS HERE (that’s pumpkin spice latte, for the uninitiated)

Photo by Heidi Kaden on Unsplash


happy co-op month!

You literally OWN Basics, along with a few thousand of your neighbors. Why does that matter?

Simply put, your co-op is a retail establishment that exists to serve its Owners and community rather than to make a profit. In our economy that is radical! Your store is governed by a Board of Directors made up of Co-op Owners just like you, elected by you (elections are each May).

Basics is also governed by the 7 Cooperative Principles:

Voluntary and Open Membership

Democratic Control

Member Economic Participation

Autonomy and Independence

Education, Training and Information

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Concern for Community

Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, equality, equity, and solidarity. Cooperative members believe in honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others.

Your co-op staff strive to uphold these ethics and principles as we serve you each and every day. See you at the co-op this month for a Super Special Tuesday October 5th including extra giveaways and samples for Co-op Month!


Speaking of Democratic Control…


featured co-op owner


local vendor highlight


staff pick


brand spotlight

new & returning


Ready to browse??

Click the green “new” button to see this month’s new items in the Co+op Cart online store. To return to the newsletter, use your browser’s back button.




October Round Up Recipient


Co-op Owner Request: Possible Support Group?

Diane, a Basics Co-op Owner, wonders if other women with hair loss, propecia, dermatitis, or scalp psoriasis would be interested in meeting at Basics to discuss natural remedies. If interested, contact Diane at (608)554-3332.



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