Everyone welcome!

The Scoop Newsletter

November 2019

your monthly Basics Co-op news

your monthly Basics Co-op news



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online ordering

new co-op owners

  • Michael Allen

  • Linda Dee Derrickson

  • Lois Forbes

  • Lucretia Gunther

  • Kathleen Hansel

  • Ronald Hendrickson

  • Jeffery Hinkle

  • Joey Hoover-Simon

  • Pamela Maxson

  • Maggie Salzwedel

  • Benjamin Smith

  • Maggie Trussler

  • Heather VanGalder

  • Wendy Zabel

Congrats to Emily Broten, our Own It In October winner of $200 in prizes to celebrate Co-op Month. Welcome to the Co-op, Emily!

Congrats to Emily Broten, our Own It In October winner of $200 in prizes to celebrate Co-op Month. Welcome to the Co-op, Emily!

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plentiful platters for any party


co+mpany’s coming

featured co-op owner

local vendor highlight

featured brand

the beat recipes


turkey time

Fresh and frozen turkeys arrive now through mid-month! Everyday Low Prices for non-GMO antibiotic free or certified organic turkeys range from $1.89-$4.49/lb. All turkeys are first-come first serve, no holds and while supplies last. Feel free to call ahead for availability.


new & returning items



*store closed for Thanksgiving Thurs. 11/28


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