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Introducing....Round Up Donations!


what is the round up program?

Round Up 2020 NonProfit Template_edited.jpg

The Basics Wooden Nickel program served local non-profits well for many years - but didn’t keep up with inflation and rising costs for non-profits. In its place, beginning in November 2020 Basics will begin rounding up at the registers.

You will have the choice each time you shop at Basics to round up to the nearest dollar and donate your change to a local non-profit. Each month one of twelve different organizations will be featured, chosen through our annual survey of Basics Co-op Owners. Based on the success of similar programs at other stores, we believe this option will generate significantly more funds for local organizations each month!

Concern for Community is Co-op Principle #7. We look forward to strengthening our community through the power of cooperation in this new way!


Update: November 2020-October 2021 round up schedule

Congrats to these local non-profits voted into the top 12! Below are the months they will each be featured…

November 2020 - Project 16:49

December 2020 - ECHO

January 2021 - House of Mercy

February 2021 - Healthnet

March 2021 - Vest-a-Dog

April 2021 - GIFTS Men’s Shelter

May 2021 - YWCA Rock County

June 2021 - CASA

July 2021 - Friends of Noah

August 2021 - Janesville Farmer’s Market

September 2021 - Acts of Kindness

October 2021 - Humane Society of Southern WI

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