July 2019
your monthly Basics Co-op news
Coconut water for a cause! For every Vita Coco item purchased in July, $1 will be donated to build a classroom for students in the Philippines (up to $10,000). Learn more.
New Co-op Owners
Brooks Barnett
Janice Brinson
Kris Curran
Barbara Marie Elmer
Jonathon Frey
Kenna Garnica
Dorothy Heitke
Mark Horstmeier
Lindsey Jozefiak
Jessica Layman
Debbra Meade
Koben Miceli
Katrina Mikkelson
John Millar
Shelly Mueller
Mike Murdy
John Owiecki
David Polly
Jason Ralph
Tricia Reed
Kamryn Richardson
Martin Schueler
Monica Stanley
Jesse Steurer
Nicholaus Sutherland
Ann Marie Waterhouse
Zoe Wedel
Dana Williams
Brooke Wobig
Staff Anniversaries
Thank you for your dedication to the Co-op!
September Super Tuesday offer/reminder
featured co-op owner
local vendor highlight
featured new product
the beat recipes
new & returning products
co-op governance
Annual Owner Meeting Social
On June 11th, General Manager Lynnette Wirth and Board President Jim Hutchinson shared updates and summarized some of the Co-op’s strategies for future growth and better serving our community. Co-op Owners, staff and Board members enjoyed an evening of conversation and refreshments featuring several local brands!
concern for community
2019 Block Party
Click here for a photo gallery of this year’s party, which took place on June 22 and benefited Housing 4 Our Vets.
Do we have your number?
Owners, have you moved or changed your phone number? Please let us know so we can keep your Ownership record up-to-date. This will help us get in touch in case of items forgotten at the store, product refunds, recalls, etc. If your kids are in the Co+op Explorers Kids Club, we need a current address in order to send their birthday gift.
Email us at basicscustomerservice@gmail.com or stop by the service desk. Thank you!
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