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Kindred Creamery Cheese


Kindred Creamery

75 cows is the average herd size at the Wisconsin family farms that supply milk to Kindred Creamery, headquartered in Fitchburg, WI.

Dairy farmers who employ their one-of-a-kind Cows First™ program make sure the cows always have access to shelter, pasture, and fresh water. When cows are treated right, their milk is of the highest standard, enabling Kindred to produce the highest quality cheese in a sustainable manner.

Kindred’s Natural Smoked Gouda won 2023 Basics Grand Champion Cheese, beating out 15 other local cheeses in sampling contests during our Cheese Madness tournament!

  • Cows Should Be Treated Humanely

  • Cow’s Milk is Natural

  • Cows Need Good Food

  • Cows Deserve Comfort


Find Kindred Natural Smoked Gouda in the cheese case at Basics next to their Hickory Smoked Cheddar and Forage Mushroom & Scallion Jack.