Fresh Local and Organic Produce
The Basics Co-op Produce Department carries a variety of organically grown produce including fruits, vegetables, herbs and seasonal plants. We also take pride in offering as much locally grown produce as we are able to source, year round!
Look for the rectangular “local” stickers we use all over the store to denote that an item was grown in Wisconsin, or within 100 miles.
*Basics Co-op Owners enjoy 10% off regular-priced Fresh Produce every Monday!

Wunberg Produce is hand grown, hand picked, hand made, and taste tested. Now featuring Wild Elderberry Honey Syrup!
Located in Evansville, WI, Tipi Produce is committed to growing the most flavorful varieties of fresh organic produce.
Drink it ‘straight up’ warm or cold, add to drinks, cook with it, bake with it and more!