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Featured Co-op Owners


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Gayle, featured co-op owner


After years of being a Basics customer, Gayle took the plunge into Co-op Ownership!

Gayle prefers to shop the fresh produce at Basics - enjoying both the selection and quality. Her go-to recipes can be found in a ‘well-marked’ Oh She Glows cookbook. A few of her favorites to prepare are hummus, soups, and the meatless lasagna made with zucchini in place of pasta noodles - YUM!

What made Gayle finally take the plunge after all this time? Finding out how affordable it is!


Welcome to our newest Co-op Owners!

Karen Jo Brown, Christine Carlin, Lauren Cernek, Nicole Courtney, Isabella Curtis, David Davenport, Kasey Gardner, Danielle Gray, Larry Horsfall, Gee Gee Jannene, Vickie Larson, Michael Lawrence, Deborah Lyons, Don Magill, Mariapaz Salos, Tara Schroeder, Laurel Smith, Chris Teubert and Rose Wilkins.