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Featured Co-op Owners


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Dawn, featured co-op owner


I was inspired to join the Co-op after hearing and reading the stories of so many other Co-op Owners! Since turning the big 5-0, it seemed more prudent than ever to make better food choices. It’s never too late to start - right?!

Shopping at Basics makes it easy to make good choices for both myself and my family. I especially appreciate the quality and selection of bulk items and fresh produce (Allen has even convinced me to try new veggies!)

Whenever I’m in town, I love to grab lunch at the deli! The made-to-order paninis are mouth-watering good!

There really is a sense of community at Basics. Not only is staff readily available whenever I have questions (and I have A LOT!), but fellow shoppers are always happy to share their thoughts as well.

learn more about Co-op Ownership


Welcome to our newest Co-op Owners!

  • Jesse Adams

  • Deena Altreuter

  • Ken Bessel

  • William Burg

  • Lindsey Carlson

  • Tom Carlson

  • Dawn Fossum

  • Susan Galfano

  • Jack Grifka

  • Emily Hammer

  • Melanie Hayes

  • Brian Hoff

  • Brayden Holmquist

  • Navneet Kaur

  • Jo Kennedy

  • Carol Leuenberger

  • Craig Moynihan

  • Meredith Nelson

  • Taylore Ranson

  • Mary Shadel

  • Teresa Smith

  • Steven Splittgerber

  • Linda Strojny

  • Jordan Thiering

  • Milki Tolla