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Founder of SaiOm Organics, Amanda Biederman, began working with healing plants and natural products at the start of the millenia using the purest ingredients in nature.

Locally based in Lake Geneva, SaiOm Organics is dedicated to using organically sourced, non-GMO ingredients. Why? They believe these ingredients are the best way to support a healthier mind and planet.


Natural Perfumes

SaiOm’s new ethically harvested and alcohol-free perfumes available at Basics include a base of natural ingredients such as witch hazel and vegetable glycerin, with organic essential oils.

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Hand Sanitizer

Basics also carries locally made SaiOm Organics hand sanitizer in both a travel and refill size.

The organic aloe vera gel will leave your skin feeling smooth, and the essential oil blend is antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial for extra protection!

Breathe deep.


(perfumes available in-store only at this time)

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