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Stone Creek Coffee


Local Farm-to-Cup Coffee


Stone Creek Coffee has been roasting beans in small batches for over 30 years!

Erick Resch, Founder of Stone Creek Coffee

As a small boy, founder Eric Resch would explore, play, and learn in and around the creeks near the family cabin in Northern Wisconsin. When he started Stone Creek Coffee at the age of 24, Eric brought those same traits as guiding beliefs to the company.

Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Stone Creek Coffee seeks to be a force for good both locally and globally. They are Certified B Corp, meaning they care about their local community, employees, and the environment and must continually meet specific criteria to retain that certification.

What is Farm-to-Cup Coffee?

"Farm to Cup" encompasses the entire journey of coffee, from directly sourcing the beans to the ultimate brewing and sharing experience. It involves annual visits to coffee farms, carefully choosing the best coffee beans, and educating the Stone Creek Coffee team. The phrase captures the dedication and deliberate care infused into each stage of the journey.


You can find Boneshaker Columbia, Cream City, and 3 Volcanoes Dark Guatemala at Basics!