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Co+op Explorers Expands to Include Ages 0-5!

Basics Insights Text Messaging

Basics is excited to offer local families new resources as part of our Co+op Explorers Kids Club.

Did you know the brain doubles during the first year of life? Or that by age 5, the brain has grown to 90% of its adult size? Brain development during early childhood builds critical foundations for children’s learning, health, and wellbeing. Inequities that emerge early can persist over the long term.

Through the Leadership Development Academy of Rock County and the Stateline Community Foundation’s Literacy for Life program, Basics Co-op is a new partner of Basics Insights, a FREE resource for caregivers of kids under 5.


Participating caregivers receive 2 text messages every week. On Mondays, it’s a science-based fact, and on Wednesdays, a suggested activity. Recommendations are based on the child’s current age.

None of the activities require fancy toys or extra hours in the day - they can be incorporated into families’ everyday routines. The underlying principles and strategies encompass much of what experts find are important for promoting cognitive and social-emotional development.

Additionally, you may have noticed new sign prompts throughout the store encouraging families to read and talk while they shop!


Here’s what participating families think of Basics Insights:

To sign up for the free Basics Insights text messaging program click here.

Families can also visit our Co+op Explorers web page any time to learn more (under the Resources tab) or stop by the service desk. If you don’t find value in the text messages, it’s easy to unsubscribe.