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Mike, featured co-op owner


When I turned 50, I was overweight, out of shape and in poor health. One day I woke up and decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore so I changed! With Basics, I feel l am joining a group of others also building a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Not only do I look forward to spending more time in the community when I come to Basics, I also Iook forward to the amazing things I discover every time I shop. In addition to my locally sourced favorites, I’m now adding Mushroom Coffee to my list - WOW!

My morning coffee is the foundation of my day! It’s loaded with high quality animal fats, medium-chain triglycerides, healing spices and plenty of caffeine.

Mike’s Magic Mug-o-Joe

  • 16 oz Bold Coffee

  • 1.5 Tbsp Organic Valley Ghee

  • 1.5 Tbsp Now Sports MCT Oil

  • 2 1/2 oz Organic Valley Whole Milk

  • 3 good shakes of Simply Organic Turmeric

  • 3 even better shakes of ground cinnamon

  • 1 pkg Whole Earth Stevia & Monk Fruit Sweetener

Blend to a frothy consistency and enjoy all morning!

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