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Featured Co-op Owners


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katie, featured co-op owner


What inspired you to join the Co-op? 

My husband Eric and I are passionate about supporting local, premium products. I grew up in rural Wisconsin and appreciate the high quality of local dairy, honey, and produce a co-op provides. Being a part of the co-op at Basics just makes sense!

What are your favorite things to shop for at Basics? 

Bulk teas and ingredients for my creative outlet, the Booch Witch (boochwitch.com). I also am a big fan of Tucson tamales, day-old produce (terrific for homemade kombucha), Mocha Moment coffee beans, and the dairy section (love Sartori, Carr Valley, and Organic Valley).

What Co-op benefits are most meaningful to you? 

Unrivaled customer service and a pleasant, valuable shopping experience. When I shop at Basics, I see employees and customers treat each other with respect, care, and generosity. This culture is worth its weight in gold and far outweighs my experiences in big-box stores or national chains.

Anything else you'd like to share? 

I am lucky to have a co-op like Basics, and its hard-working employees, in my community.  When looking for inspiration in a recipe or ingredients for my kombucha, I know I’ll find everything I need (and more!) at my favorite local co-op. I urge everyone I know to become an Owner!


Welcome to our newest Co-op Owners!