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Featured Co-op Owners


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Julie, featured co-op owner

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I was very fortunate last year to have received the wonderful gift of Co-op Ownership! It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

While I’ve only been a Co-op Owner for a year, I enjoy shopping for the fresh and local fruit, veggies and meat. My favorite product (so far!) is Thrive Oil!

Being able to find local, organic and healthy choices is important to me. I also appreciate being able to find items to try that I can’t find anywhere else!

learn more about Co-op Ownership


Welcome to our newest Co-op Owners!

  • Terri Belz

  • Corinne Carey

  • Barbara Dorsey

  • Jody Farmer

  • Adisen Gittings

  • Melania Hencheck

  • Charles Howenstine

  • Joe Kincade

  • Gary Landsverk

  • Joanne Larsen

  • Mary Larson

  • Jayme Long

  • Larissa Lyon

  • Kirsten Mortimer

  • Eileen Munce

  • Scott Pickos

  • Leslie Rennie

  • Paula Rickard

  • Linda Stehura