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Featured Co-op Owners

Dolores and Dick

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Dolores, featured co-op owner


Dolores has been a Co-op Owner for more than 10 years. Dick receives the benefits by default because he married Dolores two years ago. ♥

Dolores originally started shopping at Basics for the selection of Garden of Life vitamins but liked so many of the products she decided to become an Owner. Having the payment plan option available made it easy for that to happen!

Dolores has found that the variety of products has certainly expanded throughout the years. While shopping the bulk spices and foods aisle is a favorite of Dolores’, they also like to shop for local bread, Amy’s Roasted Veggie (No Cheese!) Pizza, Smart Chicken, and goat yogurt!

A great selection of products, friendly staff, and a good ‘community feel’ keep Dolores and Dick coming back!


Welcome to our newest Co-op Owners!

Cynthia Brotheridge, Ken Brunke, Teresa Gracyalny, Crystal Henthorn, Katie Hoverson, Donna Kocina, Karen Kupferschmidt, Corey Sampson, Sue Sexe, Alexis Szyjeswski, Michael Topp, Kristin Wallace, Susan Wheeler, David Wilson.